Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Welcome one and all to the newest member of our NOLA BASH family—this little blog. I wanted to get this up before the New Year or very soon after, as one of my resolutions (both professionally and personally) is to blog more, but 2012 has gone off with a bang and has kept booming. Busy is an understatement. At any rate, here she is and here she’ll stay. Hopefully, this Web print stream of consciousness will help you get to know us and what we do.
I plan on sharing about all things event-related, no matter how obscure that relationship may be. Beware, I tend to be rather sporadic and so will be this blog. I also want to post glimpses of our completed events, DIY projects that go in to much of our décor, and simply the life and times of NOLA BASH.

Make yourself comfortable here. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Add us to your reader, if you don’t mind, and invite your friends to do the same. And, as always, thank you so very much. Thank you for reading this and for supporting us!


The "us" "we" and "our" I will constantly refer to.
The heart and soul of NOLA BASH.
Danielle and Melissa.

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